18 Ridgewood Avenue, East Orange, NJ
Meeting Times: Sunday - 10AM (In-Person Bible Study), 11AM (In-Person Worship), 4PM (Zoom Bible Study); Wednesday - 7:30PM (Zoom Bible Study)
Class Materials for Story Of The Bible (Quarter 14, Children)

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64 KB - The syllabus for the children's classes (Early Church).
39 KB - Short rhymes to help one to remember the general contents of each of the chapters of Acts.
46 KB - Covers Jesus' ascension and the replacement of Judas by Matthias.
44 KB - Covers the day of Pentecost, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the establishment of the church.
45 KB - Covers the healing of the lame man at the temple and the subsequent imprisonment of Peter and John.
45 KB - Covers Ananias and Sapphira and the imprisonment, release, and beating of the apostles.
45 KB - Covers the widows' problem, the defense of Stephen, and his subsequent stoning by the Jews.
45 KB - Covers Philip's encounters with Simon and the Ethiopian eunuch.
45 KB - Covers the conversion of Saul and reception by the disciples.
45 KB - Covers the conversion of Cornelius and his household.
44 KB - Covers the establishment of the church at Antioch and the persecution of the church by Herod.
44 KB - Covers Paul's first missionary journey and the conference at Jerusalem regarding circumcision (Acts 13-15).
45 KB - Covers Paul's second missionary journey.
45 KB - Covers Paul's third missionary journey.
45 KB - Covers Paul's imprisonment and journey to Rome (Acts 21-28).